What Are The Common Weight Loss Myths?

What Are The Common Weight Loss Myths?

The internet may flood you with unsolicited weight loss advice from strangers and relatives, and friends. You may also need clarification about how you should lose weight.


In most cases, weight loss advice is based on misconceptions rather than science or facts and is derived from personal experiences, opinions, or lack of information. It is generally considered harmful to your health to believe such notions. 


To help you achieve a healthy slimming experience, we'll debunk the most common weight loss claims. Find out the biggest misconceptions about weight loss by reading from start to finish.


Myth 1: Only exercise can help you lose weight

Exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week for adults to prevent obesity and chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Despite being effective at losing weight, building strength, and improving your health, you will need more than exercising to reach your fitness goals.


Studies on energy expenditure suggest exercise alone may not be as effective for weight loss as it may be for weight maintenance. This is due to some factors.


The first reason for overeating is that exercise increases ghrelin levels, which makes you hungry. In addition, exercise may also lead to overeating as a reward after exercising. During exercise, a calorie deficit will result in your body burning fewer calories.


It is important to consider your underlying biology when addressing weight loss, but several factors must be considered. Our science-based approach has taught us that treating biology with biology is the best approach. In addition to changing how you eat, sleep, and feel, you should also add a workout routine to your daily schedule.


When you try to change your lifestyle on your own, it can be challenging. One of the unique aspects of Weight Loss Coach’s One-Year Metabolic Reset is that each member is assigned an accountability coach for the duration of the reset. As your coach helps you develop healthy, long-lasting habits across the Four Pillars of Metabolic Health, including food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health, you will make small, sustainable lifestyle changes.


Myth 2: Snacks must be eliminated

It isn't always unhealthy to snack on carbohydrates, also known as carbs. The macronutrients in snacks, as well as their timing, frequency, and quality, all affect their health. Researchers have found that eating whole foods high in fibre, protein, and healthy fat can help you lose weight. You can stabilise your blood sugar by snacking between meals and minimising food cravings by eating healthy snacks.


You may be eating too much or snacking because your body is trying to maintain its biological set point. Whether healthy or not, your body tries to maintain its set point weight. When determining your set point, you are influenced by your biology, genetics, and environment. A weight loss below your set point can stimulate hunger hormone production, causing you to eat more. Resetting your metabolism is crucial when this happens.


Myth 3: You Must Diet

There is no such thing as a universal diet. Diet fads can be harmful and dangerous. There is a 95% failure rate in diets due to their insufficiency. Extremely low-carb diets often lead to only water loss. Allergies can also influence food choices. Gluten-free diets, for example, are not necessarily healthy. Celiac disease is the only condition that requires a gluten-free diet, contrary to popular belief.


Taking a sustainable and flexible approach to what you eat is more important than restricting yourself by skipping meals. You can make a healthier lifestyle change instead of dieting. A Weight Loss Coach can help you break down your low-fat diet goals into small and actionable steps if you struggle to change your diet from high-fat to low-fat.


Myth 4: There are no safe weight loss medications

There are different types of weight loss medications. When combined with lifestyle changes, healthy eating, and physical activity, GLP-1 medications are an effective, long-term option for losing weight.


Our doctors prescribe medications that have been widely used since 2005: stimulant-free, non-habit forming, and clinically tested. The drug may also cause side effects, but they usually subside after a few weeks and are well tolerated. The average Weight Loss Coach member experiences fewer than 5% adverse effects.


To ensure you are eligible for the One-Year Metabolic Reset, we conduct a comprehensive Metabolic Health Assessment. Weight Loss Coach doctors will conduct a 30-minute virtual visit for this assessment. To prescribe the most appropriate GLP-1 medication, your Weight Loss Coach doctor will conduct an in-depth intake and lab work. Weight Loss Coach Medical Team is also available to you during the program, so you can reach out when you need help.


Myth 5: You can lose weight with weight loss supplements

Weight loss is claimed to be the primary benefit of most supplements. Most weight loss supplements aren't-approved, so there isn't a magic solution to fat burning. Supplements can contain dangerous ingredients since they are not regulated. There may be scams if the offer is too good to be true, such as supplements that promise to burn fat quickly.


Remember that Weight Loss Coach doctors prescribe medications, not supplements. GLP-1 medications are prescribed under the supervision of qualified healthcare professionals.

Myth 6: Losing weight requires willpower rather than biology

There are times when determination alone isn't enough to lose weight. According to a study, 80% of those who lose at least 10% of their body fat regain it within the first year of losing it. Your biology determines how much weight you gain. Specifically, your body's set point-the weight it fights to maintain. Biological factors and genetic conditions, such as hypothyroidism and PCOS, can contribute to weight gain.


Weight gain during menopause is another example. It is common for women to gain between two and five pounds during menopause, most of which is stored in their midsection. They are also more likely to suffer from heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.


Regardless of your weight loss goals and motivation level, hormones can contribute significantly to weight gain. Our medical team prescribes GLP-1 hormone analogues to help regulate metabolic function, digestion, and appetite by replicating the body's natural hormones. A reduction in GLP-1 signals is seen in individuals with more body weight, emphasising that weight loss is not a matter of willpower but biology.


Consequently, doctors should prescribe GLP-1 medications to their patients. It targets the underlying biology that helps you lose weight by mimicking the effects of GLP-1 hormones in your body. GLP-1 medications can help you lose weight and improve your metabolic health by improving your body's signalling and regulating your blood sugar levels.


Debunking Common Weight Loss Myths

Unfortunately, there are so many myths surrounding weight loss. Facts and science are the most important tools for combating them. Our program at Weight Loss Coach is rooted in science. Using effective GLP-1 medications, 1:1 accountability coaching, and simple lifestyle changes, the One-Year Metabolic Reset helps you lose weight sustainably. The earliest Weight Loss Coach members have lost at least 14% of their body weight with our science-backed program and GLP-1 medications, higher than the 10% observed in clinical trials.





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