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BMI Result

  • The results from the BMI calculator show that you have an estimated BMl of , .

BMI Calculator – How To Calculate Your BMI

Our Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can calculate your BMI ( Body Mass Index). The calculator utilises the Ponderal Index, which we'll discuss below, and BMI to deliver you a final score.

The Definition of BMI

BMI measures the amount of mass in your body to provide insight into your health. BMI takes your scale weight and adjusts it into a score based on height and age. This number can indicate whether you are overweight, underweight, or healthy.

BMI is a measure of the amount of tissue in your body. Your scale weight alone isn't necessarily an indicator of your overall health. BMI attempts to consider your height and age to determine better how your body contributes to your health.

BMI Scores for Adults

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a range of scores for each BMI category. The following numbers apply to men and women aged 20 and over:

  • Severe Thinness: Less than 16
  • Moderate Thinness: 16 to 17
  • Mild Thinness: 17 to 18.5
  • Normal: 18.5 to 25
  • Overweight: 25 to 30
  • Obese Class I: 30 to 35
  • Obese Class II: 35 to 40
  • Obese Class III: Over 40

What's your BMI score? If you see room for improvement, consult your doctor before making significant lifestyle changes. Doing so can protect your overall health and let you know if you need to make any changes.

Your BMI Number and Health Risks

Are you currently outside a Normal BMI range? Check out some of the health risks associated with a BMI number that's too high (or too low):

  • Coronary Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Arthritis
  • Body pains
  • High cholesterol
  • Various cancers

What BMI Can – and Can't – Do

Your BMI provides a valuable window into your overall health. Regardless of your lifestyle, a regular BMI reading corresponds with better health outcomes than people outside this range. However, your BMI may be higher or lower if you're an athlete, depending on your training regimen and activity levels. While you will still want to monitor your health, you may not face the same health risks as others outside.

In some cases, a person's body type might lead them to receive a BMI score that indicates they're overweight or underweight. However, they could still be perfectly healthy. This makes it essential to use a BMI score as a general indicator of your health rather than a hard and fast rule.

Even if you have an average BMI score, you could still face health problems of which you're unaware. An average BMI score indicates that your body mass is within limits correlated with better health outcomes than those with higher or lower scores. It's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You'll also want to screen yourself for illnesses regularly and to monitor your BMI for sudden changes, which can indicate an underlying health issue.