Medical Weight Loss - Weight Loss Coach

Medical Weight Loss

What is medical weight loss?

Over half of the EU's population are overweight. There are more than two in five people who are considered clinically obese.

Obesity and overweight increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, hypertension, and depression. However, treating obesity at its root causes is very challenging.

The prevalence of obesity and overweight has not declined, even though consumers have many options. Several 'weight loss programs prioritise speed over sustainability, resulting in poor results.

To change this standard and raise the bar for effective weight loss treatment, medical weight loss aims to change it.

Bariatrics is a term used occasionally to describe medical weight loss; however, most people associate the term with bariatric surgery. It is not necessary to undergo surgery to lose weight medically. The term "medical weight loss" refers to weight loss supervised by a medical professional.

Personalised approaches to medical weight loss should be based on science, medicine, and medical research regarding treating overweight or obesity. Medical weight loss refers to any weight loss program led by a doctor specialising in obesity or overweight.

Diet, wellness program, or weight loss program that a medical professional does not guide is not considered medical weight loss. Physician-led programs should, however, be approached thoughtfully. Most medical weight loss programs are not research-based, safe, effective, or sustainable. Some programs use medications that cannot be taken for long or rely on supplements, meal replacements, or dietary recommendations that are not proven to work.

The Metabolic Reset, which comes from The Weight Loss Coach, is a medical weight loss program. We are not a medical facility; however: our members have access to coaching, a medical team, and other tools via the internet. The Weight Loss Coach Program is based on science to deliver long-term weight loss and metabolic health benefits.

Along with prescription medication, lifestyle changes are often included in medical weight loss programs. Throughout Weight Loss Coach's habit change program, we ensure that each element is backed by research and sets our members up for success.

Weight loss medicine's controversial history

Medical weight reduction is a method of treating obesity or overweight that is directed by a medical expert and based on medical, and scientific evidence that targets the underlying causes of obesity and weight gain at their best.

Is there any substance to medical weight reduction? If you're doubtful, you aren't alone: "Medical weight loss" has acquired a negative reputation in recent decades as numerous less-than-reputable firms and organisations have exploited the term.

During the 1990s and early 2000s, 'medical weight reduction' was frequently linked to unapproved supplements or currently illegal prescription weight-loss medicines like Fen-Phen. Many of these medications were stimulant-based appetite suppressants that harmed rather than improved metabolic health.

Medical weight loss is often mistakenly associated with high-risk weight loss surgery. However, these terms are not the same. Getting the right medical guidance is essential for non-surgical weight loss.


How does medical weight loss work?

The first step in evidence-based medical weight loss is a consultation, some baseline lab work, a doctor-prescribed program that includes medicine and lifestyle changes, and regular checkups ranging from several months to a year or longer. Our program at Weight Loss Coach lasts the entire year.


Why should you consider medical weight loss? Licensed medical experts have a minimum of 11 to 18 years of formal education in their field—which is more than any fitness expert or health coach.


You can identify and treat medical barriers to weight loss if a doctor guides you. You can also achieve results by taking prescription medication by targeting your biology rather than relying solely on willpower.


Medical weight loss vs Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach specialises in metabolic health and doesn't just focus on the number on the scale as traditional 'medical weight loss does. As part of our program, you will learn to make small changes to your eating, sleeping, exercising, and emotional health habits that will be easy to sustain and tailored to meet your specific needs.


The first step to losing weight is joining Weight Loss Coach and participating in a 30-minute virtual doctor's appointment to discuss your lab panels and health history. It has recently been proven that GLP-1 medication is the safest and most effective weight loss medication for long-term use.


Wegovy® and Saxenda®, among others, are brands of GLP-1s prescribed by Weight Loss Coach. The approved medication mimic GLP-1, a natural hormone that regulates appetite and food intake by targeting areas of the brain involved. Additionally, it plays a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels.


Your big-picture weight loss plan will rely heavily on GLP-1 medication; however, long-term success will be determined by lifestyle intervention alongside medications.


Achieve medical weight loss safely & sustainably with Weight Loss Coach

Medications and doctor-supervised weight loss are just the beginning of the medical weight loss process with Weight Loss Coach. You'll also be paired with a coach who'll act as your cheerleader and accountability partner, helping you keep your commitments and celebrate your successes. A 15-minute video session will be scheduled every other week with your coach.


In the meantime, you will receive unlimited access to a comprehensive curriculum developed by our Expert Council and Clinical Advisory Board, along with monitoring progress from your Weight Loss Coach Medical Team. Boosting your GLP-1 medication's effectiveness and achieving your metabolic health and weight loss goals are the goals of the curriculum that provides evidence-based, intensive lifestyle interventions.


Food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health are the four pillars of metabolic health in Weight Loss Coach. Your coach will address the following areas:


The food plan recommended by a Nutritionist/Weight Loss Coach will assist you in eating more mindfully while laying the groundwork for a long-term and flexible approach to nutrition that emphasises lessening fast-digesting carbs and making better selections, including fibre and healthy proteins and fats—without restricting or counting calories. Small and long-term modifications to your meal plan can help you control what you eat, lower blood sugar levels, and enhance your gut health.


Sleep quality is important for our brain and metabolic health. However, consistency is also necessary: A 2018 research revealed a strong link between altered sleep schedules and an increased risk of cardiometabolic disease indicators. With 7-9 nightly hours of peaceful sleep, according to the Weight Loss Coach program, you'll learn how to establish a routine to enhance sleep quality while reducing cardiometabolic health problems.


There is no doubt that regular exercise can improve your overall health. Multiple studies show that exercise can improve your heart and bone health, reduce your cancer risk, and lower your type 2 diabetes risk. As part of Weight Loss Coach's exercise program, 150 minutes of movement are prioritised weekly, and resistance training is incorporated over time to improve metabolic health.



Chronic stress can impact your mental and physical health, whether you tense your muscles, tighten your throat, or feel your heart beat faster. Interestingly, stress can also affect hormones that affect weight, metabolism, and eating habits. By learning how to recognize emotional triggers that influence metabolic health, you'll be able to incorporate science-backed methods to reduce stress.



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